I finally took the plunge and added a blog to my website. I always wanted an easy way to share information while still keeping my main website streamlined and easy to navigate. My goal with the blog is to have a way to provide you with relevant, helpful, and sometimes entertaining information. I also want to help you make informed decisions as you search for a photographer, even if that means you choose someone else. I believe it's more important you get the best match for you and what you need than try to sell you on me and my services above everyone else. Why am I saying this? I know there are a lot of photographers out there to choose from. I also know they have significantly different levels of photography education, knowledge, skills, abilities, and necessary equipment. Not all photographers can acceptably perform the different types of photography you may need. Choosing the wrong photographer will leave you very dissatisfied and disappointed, and will reflect poorly on all photographers.
In the end, it's most important that you were happy with your photographer and satisfied with the services you received. No one wants a bad experience. I want to enjoy working with you knowing I can properly fulfill your needs, and I want you to be happy and satisfied with the results.
I’m super excited to start this journey. I invite you to come back regularly to check for updates and new articles on the blog.